The Khammam District of Andhra Pradesh is situated in the south east India. Its location on Globe is between 16-45 and 18-35 North Latitude and 79-47 and 80 -47 East Latitude. The present name of Khammam seems to have derived from a vertical rock 'Kamba' under the famous temple Stambhadri. Khammam is bordered by Krishna district in the north, by East and West Godavari districts in the east. It is limited by the Krishna district in south and in west by Nalgonda and Warangal Districts. Khammam's total area is 16,029 Sq. Kms. It is the district headquarters.

Khammam is a district which can boast of a conglomeration of different cultures like Hindus, Muslims and the Christians. A substantial portion of its population consists of scheduled tribes like the Koyas, Konda Reddis and the Lambadas. It is the largest tribal populated district in Andhra Pradesh.

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