Super Star Mahesh Babu signed a three film agreement with 14 Reels Entertainment banner. Their first film Dookudu was biggest hit in Mahesh’s career and second film Nenokkadine is in production mode. Dookudu team is repeating for their combination for Aagadu. Nenokkadine is going at slow pace due to several reasons. Director Sukumar called as Mr. Perfect Director because of his commitment and hard work towards films isn’t feeling anything wrong to re-shoot plenty of scenes on Mahesh. This is one of the reasons for delay and financial crisis faced by 14 Reels Entertainment production house for Nenokkadine is also other reason.
They have already spent Rs.35 Crores on project and are yet to expend Rs.15 Crores more to wrap up the remaining portions including post production works. Same banner made a high budget Action 3D with Allari Naresh in lead role. The first Telugu comedy 3D film is releasing this Friday. If Naresh and Action 3D makes good business in opening days, producers can pour the recovered money into Mahesh film to wrap up the schedules at earliest possible time. So, Mahesh film is in Naresh hands.
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